



Heal faster. When stimulated, acupressure points will relieve tense muscles. Encourage blood circulation. Prompt your body to release energy for healing. Relieve or reduce pain. Reduce wrinkles. Relaxes your body and brain. Reduces need for pain medicine.


Enema is an intestinal cleaning procedure.  By taking enema intestines are cleaned of all foreign matter by water without causing any side effect on other organs. 

procedure :- The enema can is placed at a certain height and a rubber tube which has a cathater at the end takes water to the Anu's of the patient.

the patient may lie down on his back or on sides on a hard surface to take enema. The enema pot is usually hung by a nail in the wall. After inserting the catheter in the Anu's the valve is opened so that water gradually enters the large intestine. One should hold water in the stomach for some time before going to toilet and letting the water go out along with stool. No pressure sholuld be applied. 

a patient should take enema only after guidance of a doctor and under supervision of a doctor. The water is mixed with herbs according to the health problems of a patient.

benefits:- enema is not to cure for any particular disease but it has very good effect in almost all diseases. Enema purifies the blood. Constipation which is the main cause of disease is removed by enema. Beneficial in case of chronic constipation, lack of appetite, headache, cough, bad smell in mouth, liver ailments, skin diseases and nervous ailments. 

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